I feel for you, because once I was a dancing daughter. I know my mom did her best so that I could have an extra advantage at having a
professional ballet career.
And I bet your heart aches, for all the times that your dancing daughter moans and groans after ballet classes, that "I'm not good enough"..."so-and-so is so much better than me"...and more.
Well, know this and take comfort. No one is ever good enough in ballet. It is an occupational hazard. But, on the positive side of things, in ballet, you are always getting better. Even the prima ballerinas and lead male dancers improve all the time. There is no perfect.
If your dancing daughter, after all your time, expense, and emotional commitment, only becomes a corps de ballet member, will you love her as much?
Of course you will! As an understanding parent, you know that very few children who train in classical ballet become the prima ballerinas or premiers danseurs of their generation.
So how can you help your dancing daughter be the best she can be? Can you help in a way that matters - I don't mean your emotional and unconditionally loving support, but can you help in "
the ballet world"?
You are your child's biggest support. And you can offer her even more support by finding and providing great dance education, to enhance her ballet training. Most ballet schools (yet) do not offer any education in functional anatomy, for example.
Or training in extra-curricular practice in say, special foot exercises that give her
ballet muscles for pointe work. Ballet footwork is admired and mimicked by football players and tennis players, in case you didn't know. Everyone in sports desires that level of professional footwork.
To dance
in pointe shoes - that is a big one!
For your younger dancing daughter, who is not yet ready to dance in ballet pointe shoes,
THE Perfect Pointe Book offers a dance education with exercises to prepare for ballet footwork, that nothing else provides.
Every dancer has some limitations. The earlier they address these compromising factors, usually involving physique, the better. You can help your dancing daughter right now.
Why now? Doing these special ballet muscles exercises, will prepare your ballet dancer for dancing in pointe shoes, long before she gets there. Look at the author's presentation, and I think you will find that the material will help your dancing daughter work toward a
professional ballet career.